#!/usr/bin/perl -w # $Id$ # -*- perl -*- vim: ft=perl sw=4 sts=4 # Brief usage instructions: # Create a ~/.sct6rc that has SID=yourssn and PIN=yourpin # You'll need to change the url below if you go anywhere but TAMUK. use strict; use Date::Calc::Object qw(Day_of_Week Decode_Day_of_Week Decode_Month Week_of_Year Monday_of_Week Day_of_Week_Abbreviation Delta_Days Add_Delta_Days Nth_Weekday_of_Month_Year Gmtime Mktime); use Date::Calendar::Profiles qw($Profiles); use Date::Calendar::Year; use LWP::UserAgent; use XML::Simple; use vars qw(%opts %faculty); my ($response); my $config = $ENV{HOME} . "/.schedprocrc"; if (($ARGV[0] || "") eq '-F') { shift; $config = shift; } my $arg = ""; $arg = shift if (defined($ARGV[0]) && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-\w$/); if (-r $config) { open CONFIG, $config; while() { s/\#.*//; next unless m/^([^=]*)=(.*)/; $opts{$1}=$2; } close CONFIG; } my $schedurl = $ENV{HOME} . "/schedule.xml"; $schedurl = $opts{'schedule'} if(defined($opts{'schedule'})); my $gradeurl = $ENV{HOME} . "/grades.xml"; $gradeurl = $opts{'grades'} if(defined($opts{'schedule'})); sub generate_id { my ($section, $number) = split("-", shift); my $id = 0; foreach (split //, $section) {$id=26*$id+(ord($_)-1)%32;} $id=10000*$id+$number; return $id; } sub next_class { my %class = @_; $class{'duration'} =~ /(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)-(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)/; my $days = Delta_Days($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6); my $firstday = Date::Calc->new($1,$2,$3); my $lastday = Date::Calc->new($4,$5,$6); my $today = Date::Calc->new(Date::Calc->localtime(time+3600*6)->date); my @days=(); foreach(split(" ",$class{'days'})) { push @days, Decode_Day_of_Week($_); } my @off = (); @off = @{$class{'off'}} if ($class{'off'}); for($today = ($today > $firstday ? $today : $firstday); $today < $lastday; $today++) { next unless(grep($_ == Day_of_Week($today->date), @days)); next if(grep($_ == "$today", @off)); return $today; } $today = Date::Calc->new(Date::Calc->gmtime->date); for($today = ($today < $lastday ? $today : $lastday); $today > $firstday; $today--) { next unless(grep($_ == Day_of_Week($today->date), @days)); next if(grep($_ == "$today", @off)); return $today; } return undef; } sub capitalize { local $_ = shift || ""; s/ +$//; s/\b([A-Z])([A-Z]*)\b/$1\L$2/g; s/\b(I)(i*)\b/$1\U$2/g; s/\bUs\b/US/g; s/ (And|For|Of|Or|The|To|With) / \l$1 /g; s/\b(Mc)([a-z])/$1\u$2/g; s/\b(Tcp\/Ip|Pc|Tba)\b/\U$&/g; s/\bThru\b/Through/g; s/\bAcct\b/Accounting/g; s/\bAmer\b/American/g; s/\bChem\b/Chemistry/g; s/\bComp\b/Composition/g; s/\bFed\b/Federal/g; s/\bGen\b/General/g; s/\bIntro\b/Introduction/g; s/\bPrgm\b/Programming/g; s/\bOp Sys\b/Operating System/g; #s/\bGovt\b/Government/g; s/\bLit\b/Literature/g; s/\bPrin\b/Principles/g; s/\bBus\b/Business/g; s/\bSyst\b/Sys/g; return $_; } sub get_schedule { my $content; if($schedurl =~ /:\/\//) { my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->timeout(10); $ua->env_proxy; # $ua->cookie_jar( {} ); $response = $ua->get("$schedurl") or die "$!"; die $response->status_line unless $response->is_success; $content = $response->content; } else { open(F,$schedurl) || die "$!"; $content = join ("", ); close F; } my $ref = XMLin($content, ForceArray => [ 'class', 'off' ], KeyAttr => ""); return @{$ref->{'class'}}; } sub get_grades { my $content; if($gradeurl =~ /:\/\//) { my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->timeout(10); $ua->env_proxy; # $ua->cookie_jar( {} ); $response = $ua->get("$gradeurl") or die "$!"; die $response->status_line unless $response->is_success; $content = $response->content; } else { open(F,$schedurl) || die "$!"; $content = join ("", ); close F; } my $ref = XMLin($content, ForceArray => [ 'class', 'cumulative' ], KeyAttr => ""); return $ref; } sub do_html_grades { my $grades; my @showheaders = ("Section ID", "Course Title", "Grade", "Earned
Hours", "Quality
Hours", "Quality
Points"); #$file = shift unless (!defined $_[0] or $_[0] =~ /^\d/); $grades = get_grades(@_); my ($row); my $shade = "dark"; print ''."\n"; print '\n"; foreach my $ts ($grades->{'class'}) { foreach my $row (@$ts) { print ''; $shade = ($shade eq "dark"?"light":"dark"); print ''; print ''; print '\n"; } } my $lastrow = $grades->{'cumulative'}->[scalar @{$grades->{'cumulative'}}-1]; print '\n"; print "
', $showheaders[0]; print '', $showheaders[1]; print ''; print join('',@showheaders[2 .. 5]); print "
', $row->{'id'}, '', $row->{'title'}, ''; #print join('', @$row[0 .. 1]); print join('', ($row->{'grade'},$row->{'earned'},$row->{'hours'},$row->{'points'})); print "
Cumulative: through ', capitalize($lastrow->{'term'}); print ''; print $lastrow->{'gpa'}; print ''; print join('', ($lastrow->{'earned'}, $lastrow->{'hours'}, $lastrow->{'points'})); print "
\n"; } sub get_faculty_email { my ($name, $school, $email); if((-f $ENV{'HOME'} . "/public_html/faculty.csv") && ! %faculty) { open INS, $ENV{'HOME'} . "/public_html/faculty.csv"; while($_ = ) { chomp; m/"([^"]*)",([^,]*),([^,]*)/; # " ($name, $email, $school) = ($1, $2, $3); $name =~ s/ [A-Z]\.//g; $name = lc $name; $name =~ s/\W//g; $faculty{$name} = $email; } } $name = shift; $name =~ s/ [A-Z]r?\.//g; $name = lc $name; $name =~ s/\W//g; return $faculty{$name}; } sub get_mhc_header { return ( "X-SC-Subject: New Years Day\nX-SC-Category: Holiday\nX-SC-Cond: 1 Jan\nX-SC-Duration: 00010101-\nX-SC-Record-Id: \n", "X-SC-Subject: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day\nX-SC-Category: Holiday\nX-SC-Cond: 3rd Mon Jan\nX-SC-Duration: 19870119-\nX-SC-Record-Id: \n", "X-SC-Subject: Presidents Day\nX-SC-Category: Holiday\nX-SC-Cond: 3rd Mon Feb\nX-SC-Duration: 19710515-\nX-SC-Record-Id: \n", "X-SC-Subject: Memorial Day\nX-SC-Category: Holiday\nX-SC-Cond: Last Mon May\nX-SC-Duration: 19710531-\nX-SC-Record-Id: \n", "X-SC-Subject: Independence Day\nX-SC-Category: Holiday\nX-SC-Cond: 4 Jul\nX-SC-Duration: 17760704-\nX-SC-Record-Id: \n", "X-SC-Subject: Labor Day\nX-SC-Category: Holiday\nX-SC-Cond: 1st Mon Sep\nX-SC-Duration: 18840901-\nX-SC-Record-Id: \n", "X-SC-Subject: Columbus Day\nX-SC-Category: Holiday\nX-SC-Cond: 2nd Mon Oct\nX-SC-Duration: 19711011-\nX-SC-Record-Id: \n", "X-SC-Subject: Veterans Day\nX-SC-Category: Holiday\nX-SC-Cond: 11 Nov\nX-SC-Duration: 19261111-\nX-SC-Record-Id: \n", "X-SC-Subject: Thanksgiving\nX-SC-Category: Holiday\nX-SC-Cond: 4th Thu Nov\nX-SC-Duration: 14921122-\nX-SC-Record-Id: \n", "X-SC-Subject: Christmas\nX-SC-Category: Holiday\nX-SC-Cond: 25 Dec\nX-SC-Duration: 00011225-\nX-SC-Record-Id: \n", ); } sub do_mhc_schedule { $| = 1; my %days = (M => "Mon", T => "Tue", W => "Wed", R => "Thu", F => "Fri", S => "Sat", U => "SU"); my @mon = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec); my ($file, $current, @mhc, @schedule); $file = shift unless (!defined $_[0] or $_[0] =~ /^\d/); @schedule = get_schedule(@_); @mhc = get_mhc_header; if(defined($file) && (-d $file)) { my @mhc2; foreach (@mhc) { $_ =~ s/X-SC-Subject: ([^\n]*)/X-SC-Subject: $1\nSubject: $1/; $_ =~ s/X-SC-Category: ([^\n]*)/X-SC-Category: $1\nFrom: $1/; $_ =~ s/X-SC-Duration: (\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)-/"X-SC-Duration: $1$2$3-\nDate: $3 " . $mon[$2-1] . " 1970 12:00:00 +0000"/e; push @mhc2, $_; } @mhc = @mhc2; } foreach my $row (@schedule) { map {s/\n/-/g if defined; $_} %$row; my $id=generate_id($row->{'id'}); $row->{'days'} =~ s/([MTWRFS])/ $days{$1}/g; $row->{'days'} =~ s/^ //; #$row->{'duration'} =~ s/(\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)/20$3$1$2/g; my @day = (); @day = map { "!" . $_ } (@{$row->{'off'}}) if ($row->{'off'}); $current = ""; #print "# $id\n"; $current .= "X-SC-Subject: " . $row->{'title'} . "\n"; $current .= "X-SC-Location: " . $row->{'location'} . "\n"; $current .= "X-SC-Category: School\n"; $current .= "X-SC-Cond: " . $row->{'days'} . "\n"; $current .= "X-SC-Time: ".$row->{'begin'}."-".$row->{'end'}."\n"; $current .= "X-SC-Duration: " . $row->{'duration'} . "\n"; $current .= "X-SC-Day: @day\n" if(exists $day[0]); $current .= "X-SC-Alarm: 15 minutes\n"; $current .= "X-SC-Record-Id: <".$row->{'id'}."\@from.sctweb>\n"; if(defined($file) && (-d $file)) { my $email = get_faculty_email $row->{'instructor'}; $row->{'instructor'} = '"' . $row->{'instructor'} . '" <'. ($email || ($1 || "unknown") . "\@from.sctweb") . ">"; $row->{'duration'} =~ /^(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)-\d{8}$/; $row->{'begin'} =~ /^(\d\d):(\d\d)$/; my $next = next_class(%$row); my @date = Gmtime(Mktime($next->date,$1,$2,0)); $current .= sprintf "Date: %s, %2d %s %4d %02d:%02d:00 +0000\n", Day_of_Week_Abbreviation($date[7]), $date[2], $mon[$date[1]-1], $date[0], $date[3], $date[4], $date[5]; $current .= "Subject: " . $row->{'title'} . "\n"; $current .= "From: " . $row->{'instructor'} . "\n"; } #print "\n$current"; push @mhc, $current; } if(defined($file) && (-d $file)) { my @lines; foreach my $name (<$file/[1-9]*>) { next unless $name =~ /^$file\/[1-9][0-9]*$/; open FH, $name; @lines = ; close FH; foreach (@lines) { unlink $name if /^X-SC-Record-Id: <.*\@from.sctweb>/; } } my $i=0; foreach (@mhc) { while(-f ++$i) {} open FH, ">$file/$i" or die $!; print FH $_; close FH; } } else { open(STDOUT, ">" . $file) if(defined($file)); print "# MHC school schedule\n# Autogenerated by sctweb ".localtime()."\n\n"; print join("\n", @mhc); } } sub do_csv_schedule { $| = 1; my %days = (M => "Mon", T => "Tue", W => "Wed", R => "Thu", F => "Fri", S => "Sat", U => "SU"); my @mon = qw(Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.); my (@terms, $file, $current, @mhc, @schedule); $file = shift unless (!defined $_[0] or $_[0] =~ /^\d/); @schedule = get_schedule(@_); open(STDOUT, ">" . $file) if(defined($file)); foreach my $row (@schedule) { map {s/\n/-/g if defined; $_} %$row; my $id=generate_id($row->{'id'}); $row->{'days'} =~ s/([MTWRFS])/ $days{$1}/g; $row->{'days'} =~ s/^ //; my $next = next_class(%$row); $current = ""; #print "# $id\n"; $current .= $row->{'id'} . ","; $current .= $row->{'title'} . ","; $current .= '"' . $row->{'instructor'} . '",'; $next =~ /^(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)$/; $current .= $1 . "-". $2 ."-" . $3 . "\n"; print $current; } } sub do_vcalendar_schedule { $| = 1; my %days = (M => "MO", T => "TU", W => "WE", R => "TH", F => "FR", S => "SA", U => "SU"); my $file = shift if (defined $_[0] and $_[0] !~ /^\d/); my @schedule = get_schedule(@_); open(STDOUT, ">>" . $file) if(defined($file) && (! -d $file)); open(STDOUT, ">/dev/null") if(defined($file) && (-d $file)); print "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\r\nVERSION:1.0\r\n"; foreach my $row (@schedule) { map { s/\n/-/g; $_} %$row; $row->{'days'} =~ s/([MTWRFS])/ $days{$1}/g; $row->{'days'} =~ s/^ //; my @day = (); @day = @{$row->{'off'}} if ($row->{'off'}); my $day = ""; if(exists($day[0])) { $day = join(";", @day); $day =~ s/\b(\d{8})\b/$1T000000/g; } my ($starttime, $stoptime)=($row->{'begin'}, $row->{'end'}); my ($startdate, $stopdate)=split(/-/, $row->{'duration'}); $starttime =~ s/://; $stoptime =~ s/://; if(defined($file) && (-d $file)) { open FH, ">$file/" . $row->{'id'} . ".vcs" or die "$!"; select FH; print "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\r\nVERSION:1.0\r\n"; } print "BEGIN:VEVENT\r\n"; print "SUMMARY:", $row->{'title'}, "\r\n"; print "DESCRIPTION:", $row->{'id'}, "\r\n"; print "LOCATION:", $row->{'location'}, "\r\n"; print "CATEGORIES:Education\r\n"; print "DTSTART:", $startdate."T".$starttime, "00\r\n"; print "DTEND:", $startdate."T".$stoptime, "00\r\n"; print "RRULE:W1 ", $row->{'days'} . " $stopdate", "T000000\r\n"; print("EXDATE:$day\r\n") if($day); print "ATTENDEE;ROLE=OWNER;STATUS=CONFIRMED:", $opts{'name'}, "\r\n" if(defined($opts{'name'})); print "ATTENDEE;ROLE=ORGANIZER;STATUS=CONFIRMED:", $row->{'instructor'}, " <" . (get_faculty_email($row->{'instructor'}) || "fake\@ddress"), ">\r\n"; print "END:VEVENT\r\n"; if(defined($file) && (-d $file)) { print "END:VCALENDAR\r\n"; close FH; select STDOUT; } } print "END:VCALENDAR\r\n"; } sub do_xml_schedule { my $file = shift if (defined $_[0] and $_[0] !~ /^\d/); my $schedule = { class => [ get_schedule(@_) ] }; my $xml = XMLout($schedule, NoAttr => 1, RootName => 'schedule'); if($file) { open FH, ">$file"; print FH $xml; close FH; } else { print $xml; } } sub do_html_schedule { my @showheaders = ("Section ID/Title", "Instructor", "Days", "Time", "Duration", "Location"); my $shade = "dark"; my @schedule = get_schedule(@_); print ''."\n\n"; foreach my $row (@schedule) { map { s/\n/
/g; $_} %$row; #$row->{'time'} =~ s/-/-/; $row->{'duration'} =~ s/-/
/g; $row->{'duration'} =~ s/\d\d(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)/$2-$3-$1/g; print ''; $shade = ($shade eq "dark"?"light":"dark"); print ''; my $instructor = $row->{'instructor'}; my $email = get_faculty_email($row->{'instructor'}); #if($email) { #print '"; # } else { print ""; #} print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; print "\n"; } print "
"; print join("",@showheaders); print "
'; print '' .$row->{'id'}. '
'; print '' .$row->{'title'}. '
' #. $row->{'instructor'} . "" . $row->{'instructor'} . "" . $row->{'days'} . "" . $row->{'begin'}."-".$row->{'end'} . "" . $row->{'duration'} . "" . $row->{'location'} . "
\n"; } if ($arg eq "-s" || $arg eq "-h") { do_html_schedule(@ARGV); } elsif ($arg eq "-m") { do_mhc_schedule(@ARGV); } elsif ($arg eq "-c") { do_csv_schedule(@ARGV); } elsif ($arg eq "-v") { do_vcalendar_schedule(@ARGV); } elsif ($arg eq "-x") { do_xml_schedule(@ARGV); } elsif ($arg eq "-g") { do_html_grades(@ARGV); }