#!/usr/bin/perl # Author: Tim Pope # Watches my modem on ttyS4 for new calls and reports the caller id. # Requires a $HOME/bin/phone-call to handle them. use strict; use Device::Modem; my $number; #my %status; my %values; my $modem = new Device::Modem( port => '/dev/ttyS4', baudrate => '38400', log => 'file,/dev/null'); $SIG{INT} = 'death'; $SIG{TERM} = 'death'; $SIG{QUIT} = 'death'; sub initialize { my $modem=shift; $modem->connect() || return 0; $modem->atsend( 'AT#CID=1' . Device::Modem::CR ); $modem->answer(); return 1; } daemonize() if (shift eq "-d"); initialize($modem) || die "Could not initialize modem: $!"; while(1) { sleep 1; %values = wait_for_ring(); #%values=("NMBR" => "2102130787", "NAME" => "WIRELESS CALLER"); if($values{"NMBR"}) { print $values{"NMBR"}. " " .$values{"NAME"}, "\n"; ring($values{"NMBR"}.' "'.$values{"NAME"}.'"'); } elsif (!%values) {last;} } $modem->disconnect(); sub wait_for_ring { local $_; #eval { #local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" }; #alarm 15; $_ = $modem->answer("NMBR = [0-9A-Z]*[^0-9A-Z]"); #alarm 0 #}; #if($@) { #die unless $@ eq "alarm\n"; #return undef; #} else { #my $CR = Device::Modem::CR; my %values = ("success" => 1); #print ("$_\n"); # if ($_); foreach (split /\r\n/) { if(m/^(.*) = (.*)$/) { $values{$1} = $2; } } return %values; #} } sub ring { system($ENV{"HOME"} . "/bin/phone-call " . $_[0]); } sub daemonize { chdir "/"; my $pid=fork(); if($pid) { exit(0) } elsif(defined($pid)) { close STDIN; close STDOUT; open(STDOUT,">/tmp/.phone.log") or die "$!"; close STDERR; } else { exit(1); } } sub death { $modem->disconnect() if($modem); unlink "/tmp/.phone.log"; exit(0); }